How to move properly to get maximum benefits? -bloggerheart

Walking, a simple activity that we have been doing since childhood, holds immense potential for improving our health and well-being. Recent studies published in the US National Library of Medicine have shown that it takes fewer steps than previously thought to reap the benefits of walking, making it an accessible form of exercise for many people. However, before you start your work Walking It is essential to understand the intricacies of travel, posture and proper technique. foot position And shoe choice, every aspect can affect your experience and profits. is here how to walk properly Achieving maximum benefits, while ensuring a complete and injury-free journey.

Focus on proper posture and alignment

Maintaining proper posture and alignment is important to run efficiently and prevent injuries. Instead of standing strictly straight, aim to maintain the natural curve of your neck and back. Tips to achieve this include standing tall, keeping your head up and aligned with your body, and relaxing your shoulders while allowing your arms to move freely. Engage your core muscles and make sure your pelvis is neutral, aligning your rib cage with your pelvis and your hips, knees, ankles and second toe. This alignment not only helps injury prevention But it also increases the ability to breathe and walk.

Image: Canva

pay attention to your feet

The way you position your feet while walking has a huge impact on mileage and overall comfort. Practice the rolling motion, starting with your heels, then the ball of your foot, and finally your toes. This distributes stress evenly throughout your lower body, reducing the risk of joint injuries. Consider your walking a cadence, aiming for about 100 steps per minute for moderate intensity exercise. Choose proper walking or running shoes, as they provide the necessary support and cushioning to your feet. Avoid overly supportive shoes that may alter your gait and cause discomfort.

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Image: Canva

Be cautious and take it slow

Although walking is a low-risk activity, it is important to remain cautious, especially when outdoors. Pay attention to your surroundings to avoid slipping hazards such as roads or potholes. If walking at night, bring a companion or use well-lit paths to reduce risk. If going for indoor walking on a treadmill, avoid holding the handles excessively, as this hinders your natural movement. Instead, use the safety clip provided to prevent accidents. Start slowly, especially if you are moving from a sedentary lifestyle, and set realistic goals to avoid overexertion and potential injuries.

walking workout

Incorporating a walking workout into your daily routine can increase the health benefits of this simple activity. Focus on varying your speed, adding intervals or inclines to challenge different muscle groups and increase your heart rate. Experiment with different walking routes to keep things interesting and connect with your surroundings.

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